Sometimes I feel a little guilty about times I've punished him before. Today, as I was thinking about what to post, I was looking through some of the photos I have. I found this one, and it was from a time I told him I was going to spank him so one of his friends on IM could see him getting it. I made him turn on the webcam, but I didn't really broadcast it to anyone; I just told him I would if he wasn't obedient. I made him put on panties and bend over my knees in front of the webcam. Then I took a picture of it and told him I hadn't decided yet which of his friends online I was going to contact to see his beating. He bawled hysterically (which is why I changed my mind), and I decided I was being way too strict and mean. Am I too strict to put it here?
Hey, you know what, J? We should spank your hubby and mine together on webcams! Let me know next time M***'s in trouble and maybe R***'s ready to get a spanking too! --SH
He's just about ready. Maybe this coming weekend? I'll call you if he's due to get it.
You shouldn't post it without his knowledge. Also, I think a DD situation should be agreed to before hand as to if a spouse can post pics.
As an alternative, trying grounding him after you spank him. He will be embarrassed enough when he has to explain to his friends why he can't do something. One of my girl friends ask us if we wanted to go to dinner. I don't allow my husband to lie and he knew I was listening to the answer. He had to answer in front of her, her husband and her two kids.
Yes. That is way too strict. IT could impact his career. You never know who is on the end of webcam or reading the blogs. It could be a future hiring manager. So be carerful to never show his or your face. But, for some reason I get a kick out of hearing a man bawl. I guess because they are crying from willingly getting spanked.
My wife is strict with me and her spankings and her canings really do hurt me. My mother in law is sometimes allowed to watch me beinge caned and will often give me a good slap in between strokes of the cane always agreing my wife that I should be caned sharply ! The result is very red ,striped buttocks! My wife has also given in to her request to be able to take my trousers and underpants down when she canes me. She has had permission to cane me over my shorts for about a year! She was delighted and had an early chance to do so when I did some unsatisfactory work for her ,in her garden! She ordered me to stay for lunch and after I had done the washing up ,she ordered me to ly face down across her kitchen table !She placed a cushion under me and undid my belt nd slipped my trousers down and my underpants followed ! She slapped my bum ,then got her long cane and proceeded to beat my bottom very sharply!It hurt awfully and I found myself pleading for her stop. When she did my eyes were full of tears as I stood ,soothing my bottom and thighs!She also lifted my shirt to see if my erecton had disappeard,it had!
My wife and I have a great marriage as well as run a successful business together. People always comment on how we are always together and get along all the time. It is true in part but there is a part no one else knows about---She deals with pressure situations much better than i do. At times I can be short or rude when overwhelmed. No one knows but when all the help is gone we both know the first things is my striping off and going over her lap for a damn hard padddling WHICH I TOTALLY HAVE COMING SO NO ARGUMENT FROM ME--I HAVE EARNED IT. there is never any argument from me ever--I know I got it coming and my bare butt is going to hurt bad! After the paddling things return to being good between us pronto. No issue of embarrassment or shaming as only the two of us know-----Any other guys like me?
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